JIRA - Amazon S3 storage connector for JIRA

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Amazon S3 Storage Connector plugin allows you to easily link to files from Amazon S3 Buckets on your Atlassian JIRA Issues. The linked files are displayed on the JIRA issue among the other linked items.


The process of installing is the same as for other plugins and documentation to it is provided by Atlassian. So, you don’t need to do special actions.


Once you install the plugin you need to put your license key to the field.

Insert License

Invalid License

If your license is not valid you will not be able to add links to S3 Bucket files and you will see a warning message “Invalid License”



Administration sections gives you ability to manage your Amazon S3 Bucket associations whose content you want to show.

Create Bucket Association

Create new Bucket association is pretty simple. When you click on “Add new bucket association” the dialog with all required fields will be shown.

You need to fill in all fields to successfully add new bucket association:

  • Friendly name — represents the name of the account that will be used in the macro and it will mask your real S3 Bucket name.

  • Bucket name — represents your real Amazon S3 account name

  • Access Key — This is actually a username. It is alphanumeric text string that uniquely identifies the user who owns the account. It is Access Key.

  • Access Secret — This key plays the role of a password . It’s called secret because it is assumed to be known by the owner only.

To test your Bucket credentials just click on the button “Test connection” and you will be inform about validation result.

Once you fill in all fields click on the button “Save” and your account will be stored.

Edit Bucket Association

If you need to change your bucket association details you can do it when you click on the button “Edit” at the end of row with listed account details.

Delete Bucket Association

If you want to delete your existing configured bucket association only click on the button “Delete” at the end of row with account details you want to remove.

Adding links to a JIRA issue is simple. Open an existing issue, click More > Link and then select the Amazon S3 Link category.

The configuration page will be shown where you can set following parameters:

  • Bucket — Select the Bucket from which contains the file you want to link to. Buckets can be configured only in administration.

  • Link Text — Text of the link displayed in the Issue Links

  • File — Select the file you want to link to using the file browser

To add a new link with set configuration into a page just click on the Link button.


Please, leave comments at Atlassian answers or REPORT BUGS or FEATURE REQUESTS via our issue tracker.
We are also looking for your feedback, opinions and ideas on how we can improve this add-on.

Feel free to contact us also on atlassian@hotovo.org